My So-Called Opera Life is a podcast, blog, and community working to connect, inform, inspire and empower musicians at all levels and stages of their career!
Our content explores the never-ending puzzle of the “so-called opera life,” things like looking into the application process, learning about successful side hustles, exploring ways to create your own opportunities, and generally dealing with the bullshit by creating a space to talk it out!
We believe in the power of our voices–in the power of your voice. Our goal is to share stories and tips to help you on journey towards success, which we believe should really mean happiness.
Your Hosts

Elise Mark
Elise is an un-diva soprano who hates drinking water. You’ll often find her with her mouth open, either eating, singing, shooting the shit, or laughing (obscenely loud).
She’s a soprano, teacher, voice over artists, ENFP-T, Gemini, self-proclaimed looney, and spontaneous laugher/dancer with a creative and entrepreneurial spirit that’s intolerant of any bull shit.
You can find out more about her projects at

Marcelle McGuirk
Marcelle will fully admit that she often takes herself way too seriously. As a result, she’s spent most of her life trying to communicate her inner life by any means necessary- writing, singing, acting, dancing, and now, via podcasting.
She’s passionate about using music as a means of connection and healing, and is always cooking something up that combines music with activism. When not singing from her soap box, she’s a teacher, a dog mom, and a lover of all nerdy things (particularly Star Wars and Dungeons & Dragons).
You can find out more about her projects at
If you have any ideas for posts, or questions you need answered about this crazy “job” we call opera singing, please let us know by visiting our contact page. You have no idea how happy we would be to hear from you!
Also, if you love the show, please consider supporting us on Patreon and connecting to the My So-Called Opera Life community on social media! Thanks!
Elise & Marcelle
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