Episode 6: Rethinking Rejection

Audition season can be an exciting time of year, but it also comes with a lot of rejection. And let’s face it, while rejection in any form sucks, somehow form-letter rejections (aka PFOs) double suck. 😩

So let’s get down and dirty about REJECTION:

(00:50) What is a PFO anyway?

(02:25) The many forms of a PFO (yes, there are many… not all are bad) and how to read between the lines!

(05:25) Waitlisted? Now what?

(06:38) To crash or not crash an audition, that is the question…? 🤔

(09:38) Woah, they told me never to apply again… what’s with that? 

(10:53) Do rejections mean that I’m a bad artist? 🙁

(13:00) Applying to YAP’s is like playing the lottery. How do we make smarter bets? 🎲

(16:50) When (not) to ask for feedback…

(18:11) Put a stamp on it? 💌 Should you send a thank you note?

(19:52) Facing rejection creates a whole cocktail of emotions🍸… what do we do with those? 😭😡💸😂😅

(24:50) How do we rethink rejection? Gamify it! 🎮 (a la Aim for 100 Rejections a Year and it’s follow up 100 Rejections & Creative Failure)

(26:54) And then “Treat yo’self!” (taking inspiration from Sara Duchovnay’s amazing blog post) 🏖💎🍱

(33:09) We also think some radical self-care is in order! Let’s sing our rejection letters and share them with us on social media with the hashtags #100rejections and #OperaRejects! 

Questions, comments, complaints? Want to share your story with us? Have a self-care routine to share? Email us! info@mysocalledoperalife.com 

And don’t forget to use #mysocalledoperalife on social media for a chance to be featured, as well!


“Basic Implosion”, “Too Cool”, and “Inspired” by  Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
